2020’s Ultimate Self-Care Tips {Healthier and Happier You!}


At-Home Self-Care Options

Self-care is the most important thing you can do in your life. When you are self-isolated or quarantined at home, it is easy to just sit in front of the TV and watch Netflix all day, or constantly check the news and social media for updates, but this is only going to make your stress worse. Instead, you should be focusing on adding more self-care into your routine. Below you will learn about several at-home self-care options that will help you cope with isolation.

Take Social Media and NewsBreaks

The first way you can practice self-care is by giving yourself breaks from both the news and social media. It is a lot of information, debates, and numbers to absorb constantly. You should not be checking Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and the news online, nor should you be watching your TV all day long. Doing so can lead to stress, panic, and anxiety. There is so much negativity in the world right now and having it in your face all day can lead to depression.  Why put yourself through that?

If you feel overwhelmed by everything going on, give yourself short breaks away from your phone and computer, or at least log out of social media and watch anything but the news. If you can’t seem to pry yourself away from your phone or computer, at least use them to focus on the good that is going on around you. 

Find Fun Activities to Get Your Body Moving

Exercise doesn’t have to feel like work. During this time of being home, don’t make exercise out to be the punishment for eating extra cookies or for some kind of challenge to change your body. Instead, focus on making it fun and healthy for you and your family. If you have kids at home, get them involved too. You can basketball, run laps around the block, or play hide and seek. You can also do some relaxing exercises that are good for self-care, like doing yoga or stretching, going for walks, and trying out new workouts at home.

Add Creative Activities Into Your Day

Self-care also means doing something just for you; things that make you happy. If you are a creative person, this might mean taking time out of your day to do a little arts or crafts. Maybe you haven’t crocheted or knitted in a while, or you have been wanting to use those watercolors in your room but haven’t had the free time. Now is the time to take advantage of being home and really let your creative sparks fly.

Try Pampering Yourself at Home

All of the salons and day spas are closed, but that doesn’t mean you can’t pamper yourself! Do it yourself spa treatments are a common form of self-care and one you shouldn’t underestimate. It can feel amazing to paint your nails, use new skincare products, take a hot bath, or put on a face mask. It is simple inexpensive, and something to do for yourself while at home. It is amazing how relaxed you will feel after taking a few minutes to pamper yourself.

Practice Meditation or Mindfulness

Finally, you should relax your mind and body with meditation or mindfulness. Meditation is an ancient form of Holistic wellness that focuses the mind in a positive manner. While you are meditating, you are using visualization to relax your mind and you are practicing breathing exercises that let you clear your mind and focus on positive energy. If you prefer mindfulness, you will appreciate what is in this moment, without worrying about the past or stressing about the future.

Just do it!

It doesn’t matter which method you select. What is important is that you take care of yourself. After all, you can’t take care of others if you aren’t well. Be happy, be healthy, Be OrganicallYou!